A Christian Answer to Anxiety

Removing fear through the power of God's love.


A new Gallup poll released recently reports that people say their mental health is lower than ever before. Gallup has been conducting this survey every year since 2001, and unsurprisingly, in 2020 the percentage of those who reported having “excellent” mental health dropped 8 points lower than any previous year. What stands out the most among this survey is, that despite the overall drop, the percentage of those who say they attended religious services regularly, actually increased 4 points from last year. We’ve always known that those who attend church regularly demonstrate longer and higher qualities of life, as well as better mental health. But it’s significant to notice that even now, in the midst of such rising anxiety rates, Christians on average reported better mental health rates than last year.

There’s a reason for all this. Some may say it’s just because we belong to a social group, but that begs the question, do people who don’t attend church not have any social groups? Some may say we intoxicate ourselves on a fantasy like happiness that isn’t based on facts, but that also begs the question, can people genuinely lie to themselves and come away with better mental health? Probably not, that’s a form of cognitive dissonance and it actually creates mental disturbance. So what gives? The truth is, the deciding factor in all of this, is the love and hope that comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I know this, because I’ve suffered through the darkness of despair and anxiety for the larger part of my life and I’ve seen how radical a difference Jesus can make.


The Greek word for soul is psyche, which is where we get the word psychology from. Psychological trauma is real, but it concerns the deepest part of  our being. Humans are not just “meat robots” as some famous evolutionists like to think, we are more than just material, chemical accidents. There is an inner, eternal nature in all of us and when that gets wounded, or cannot find anything stable to ground itself in, the result is hopelessness and an endless search for pleasure and meaning. Our psyche’s, or our souls are searching for that eternal peace we know we all desire. Jesus is that peace.

As the Bible says, Jesus is the “image of the invisible God” (Colossians 2:15). He is fully human, but also fully divine and has the power to literally live within our souls. Once we are remade in His likeness, being “born again” into a new, redeemed, and forgiven state of existence (through faith), God’s love can’t help but permeate our being. Of course we too often distance ourselves from our true identity in Him and this allows our old psyche to play tricks on our identity, but when we choose to live within the presence of the risen Christ, who indwells our very nature through His Holy Spirit, we can’t but help to enjoy God’s peace and joy. This is why the Bible also says that living according to our new nature results in the “fruits of the Spirit,” which are “love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control” (Galatians 5:22-23). This is God’s nature, and in Him we exhibit His attributes.


‍Anxiety and despair are a result of hopelessness and insecurity. When life appears to have no meaning, when each next step feels like it could bring impending disaster, destroying whatever splinters of pleasure we’re holding on to, that is a telltale sign that we lack, and are not living within, what our soul searches most for—eternal love in God. The Apostle John spells this out clearly, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love” (1 John 4:18). Love drives out fear, and fear comes from punishment. If we are fearing, it means we are not fully dwelling in the love of Christ and it is not dwelling in us.
Some may say that they’re not worried about being punished, they’re anxious about a loved one, or their job, but fear by its very nature displays insecurity and insecurity means deep down in our souls, we feel unsafe about where our lives are headed. So if you feel anxious, or fearful, it’s time to perfect yourself in the love of God. Why? Because that’s why you’re here on earth in the first place, to honour and enjoy the fellowship of our Creator. Through Jesus and his sacrifice, we have no need to fear destruction. He welcomes us with open arms and bandages our wounds with everlasting compassion and grace.This, I believe, is the real cure for anxiety and depression. Jesus is not only the world’s best psychologist, knowing how to heal our deepest traumas, He’s also a fountain of love that will continually satisfy the soul when darkness rises. In the words of famous worship leader Phil Wickham,

“Your loving kindness
Tore through the shadows of my soul
The work is finished, the end is written
Jesus Christ, my living hope.”