Did Today’s G20 Summit Move us One Step Closer to Fulfilling Bible Prophecy?

As Trudeau and Global Leaders Call for More Surveillance and Universal Health Coverage it's Time to Take a Look at What Bible Prophecy Says


Leaders from the Group of 20 nations took part in what they called a global health summit in order to allegedly share information and strategize about future responses to Covid-19. The summit is being organized by Italy in partnership with the European Commission, and took place live from Rome while being video-conferenced throughout the world. The summit concluded by putting together what they’ve called the ‘Rome Declaration,’ which includes calls for greater funding of the WHO, “equitable access” to vaccines and more emergency preparedness. While the general concern of the declaration appears to be centered around equal access to medical care and vaccines, some of the contents, along with comments from heads of state, are raising red flags that signal a push for more globalization.

Canada’s own Justin Trudeau, among other world leaders like Angela Merkel, took the time to share his thoughts with the G20. His talking points appear to be echoing the sentiments of the declaration, calling for higher levels of global organization and a push towards some kind of larger medical network.

“We need to learn from this pandemic, this means working towards greater coordination at all levels, investing in preparedness, and strengthening surveillance and warning systems. And it also means ensuring that we have the arrangements and funding in place to rapidly scale up public health responses when needed.”


It is unclear what Trudeau meant by calls to “strengthen … surveillance and warning systems.” But the declaration also affirms such rhetoric. In principle number 8, the declaration states that it wants to,

“Enhance support for existing preparedness and prevention structures for equitable immunisation against vaccine preventable diseases, and surveillance and health programmes for these and other diseases, including HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and others, and non-communicable diseases, as part of integrated service delivery and ensuring that no one is left behind.”

The declaration is a landmark move that could have far reaching implications for future global policy. It seems to suggest some kind of future reordering of economic systems as well, repeatedly using the common catchphrase popularized by leaders like Trudeau and Joe Biden, “build back better.” It also calls for “universal health coverage”  and “broad social and macro-economic investments in global public goods.” The globalist tendencies in such rhetoric is unmistakable.


The Rome Declaration put out today also seems to be fulfilling the original goals of the Club of Rome, which was founded in 1968 by David Rockefeller. The Club includes many heads of state, UN administrators, scientists, diplomats etc. and claim to be concerned with crises like climate change. In reality, they have made their goals clear in ways that directly parallel the Anti-christ system spoken about in Christian prophecy.

The Club made a stir in 1972 when it published “Limits to Growth,” which was a report that insinuated that the world is headed for an overpopulation crisis and needed to make drastic changes. A year later they published a “Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System,” and this is where it gets downright spooky. The Club proposed a model of how a one world government should function and suggested that it be divided into ten kingdoms.


For those who know Bible prophecy, the division of the world into a ten region system, headquartered somehow in Rome, is very familiar. The clearest visions we get of what will happen before Jesus finally returns, are found in the book of Daniel and Revelation. Daniel has two major visions that both describe the same scenario—a final world empire, associated with Rome, divided into ten regions. In chapter 2, Daniel describes a statue which represents a succession of world empires. The final empire is said to “crush everything,” being represented by feet which have ten toes and is made of a mixture of iron and clay (Dan. 2:40-42).

The clearer reference comes in Daniel 7, after the prophet sees different “beasts” which represent a successive line of world empires. He describes the final kingdom as a global one that will be ruled by “ten kings.”

“The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth which will be different from all the other kingdoms, and will devour the whole earth and trample it down and crush it.  As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings will arise; and another will arise after them” (Daniel 7:23-24).

In Revelation the Apostle John receives a vision of things to come, directly from Jesus Himself. Much of what he sees is a parallel of Daniel’s earlier visions, but he also adds more detail in some ways. He describes a “beast” in similar language with Daniel, which represents a global empire (Revelation 13:1-2). This empire will have ten kings (Rev. 17:10-12) who will rule with the beast and “war” against followers of Jesus. The beast will be associated with an influential entity that sits on “seven hills.” Rome is typically known as the “city of seven hills.”

Furthermore, this beast will serve to implement a worldwide economic and identification system. Another beast will arise on behalf of the first and “force” people everywhere (the Bible makes a point to declare how universal this forceful action will be) to receive a “mark” on the right hand or forehead that will allow them to “buy and sell” (Rev. 13:16). The Bible also says that anyone who takes this “mark” has made an eternal bond with satan that cannot be revoked. Something about this mark, which will be used as part of a global identification and economic system, likely changes the fundamental inner character of people in irreversible ways.

Scholars agree that Daniel’s description of the final kingdom inevitably points to the Roman Empire. And in John’s vision, the allusion to the city of seven hills is unmistakable. This is why I find it quite alarming that on this historic day, humanity was given the “Rome declaration,” which appears to echo the globalist goals of the “Club of Rome,” which center around population control and creating a one world system divided into ten regions.

Some of the lines may not be directly linked at this point, but the overall picture is very clear. Globalists are working towards establishing a one world order and Covid-19 responses are likely being manipulated to such ends. Seeing as how the Bible described such a scenario with details that may come to life in our time, it should encourage us to make the necessary preparations. Most importantly, to have our hearts right with Jesus. The Bible says if we confess Him as Lord and believe in His resurrection, we will be saved.